Sep 20, 2013

Almond milk

I made a switch to almond milk. Beautiful, fresh, delicate and white. It works in crepes, cakes, muesli or in a cup straight up.

I discovered it years ago. I was returning to work when my Hania was barely 5 months old. I was determined not to give her any commercial formula. I found out about almond milk, got a fast blender and started blending. Little Hania was happy.

And I'm happy I don't have to have a cow or go to the market twice a week to get fresh milk.

Recipe by me
time: 20 min + soaking time (2-24 hrs)
makes: 960 ml (4 cups) milk + 190g (7oz) pulp

  • 100g - 200g (3/4 - 1 1/2 cups) whole almonds; I started with 200g and then became more economical and went down to using 100g almonds;
  • 1 l (4 1/2 cups) water

  1. Soak almonds in water overnight or at least 2 hours.
  2. Place the nuts in a good blender with water and blend on high/high for about 1 - 2 minutes, depending on the blender, but don't overheat the milk. 
  3. Pour the liquid through a cheese cloth and a strainer. You might want to to do a little squeeze at the end. Keep the milk in the fridge with some lid on, not more than 48 hours.

  • soaked almonds are softer and easier to blend;
  • skinless nuts get through the cheesecloth faster;
  • almonds to water ratio is adjustable;
  • better blender blends finer and faster (I use Thermomix);
  • leftover dry matter ends up in trash, but I know one day I'll find a way to use it;
  • milk stays in my fridge for maximum 2 days;
  • it works in chocolate milk but not so good in cappuccino where it has a tendency to separate.

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